Lab Tests


  • MTHFR $199 in office phlebotomy

  • DUTCH Complete -$650

  • Heavy Metals Whole Blood (Arsenic, Lead, Mercury) $99


  • MTHFR – The MTHFR lab test checks for genetic variations affecting folate metabolism, linked to health risks like cardiovascular disease and neural tube defects. It analyzes blood or saliva for specific gene variations (like C677T, A1298C), guiding treatment with supplements or lifestyle changes.

  • DUTCH Complete – The DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) lab test assesses hormone levels using dried urine samples collected over 24 hours. It provides detailed insights into hormone metabolites like estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, helping diagnose and manage hormone-related conditions.

  • Heavy Metals – A heavy metals screening test measures toxic metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic in the body through blood, urine, or hair samples. It helps identify exposure levels and guide treatment for heavy metal toxicity.

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Lab Tests

Specialty medical tests assessing genetic factors, hormone metabolism, and toxic metal exposure to provide comprehensive health insights.

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Lab Tests

Specialty medical tests assessing genetic factors, hormone metabolism, and toxic metal exposure to provide comprehensive health insights.